...Born 5th August 2011 at 11.19pm, 5lbs 12oz...
my twin nieces and my momma holding baby

sorry i have not posted sooner! i am happy to announce the arrival of Carson Garry Cave. he was originally due on the 10th anniversary of my fathers death which was the 24th, so it felt more important than ever to have his grandfathers first name as his middle one. i am so happy, especially since he was home within a week- absolutely no effects from the medication i take! i had taken it down and down so i was hoping and begging it wouldn't happen to us and alas, it didn't- phew! he had to go on a bilibed as he had jaundice, hence why he was in hospital for a week but thats all sorted- apparently, its quite common in small babies born before 38 weeks, and he was born at 37. we are getting on fine, just fine :) my momma slept over the first night but then i was keen to go it alone and get used to the two of us being together and also, getting used to sleep deprivation! which he has given me a lot of- basically, he hates to be put down, and won't. however, he went down for 2 naps yesterday, 6 hours in total. good, because i was so exhuasted as i couldnt doze off holding him as i was scared id roll ontop of him or something, and i couldn't cook anything or eat anything as one handed it was too tricky! and as for getting in the bath- ha! no way, unless somebody came over to help me and have him while i jumped in. Luckily, i live within 5 mins of my family; sis, mum, grandparents and they have been such massive help. I will post again later, including about the labour! I was given pessary gels for 2 days but nothing worked, then in the afternoon of the 5th they broke my waters and labour progressed thick and fast- it was about 5 hours, or just over. It was fine once I had gas & air and an epidural and hats off to my sister for fainting as my little boy came into the world- she always has to steal the show!!! my momma was torn between carefully lowering her to the floor as her legs buckled from underneath her and watching her grandson come into the world. Well, i'm about to take Carson to the store for supplies, he is just finishing a feed. he loves to scream blue murder everytime im in the store, and people tut and roll their eyes- jesus, he's a baby what can i do apart from locking him indoors so nobody else has to hear him cry? ive just dressed him in his little grey and blue outfit which consists of jeans, a hoodie and a lil grey vest. he looks like a mini-man! ALSO: great news! my university says i can start in january instead of september 12th so i have a bit longer to spend at home with Carson. yay!
Beautiful baby and you are going to be a wonderful mother.
Thank you for the pics and congratulations on your little boy! He is perfect. I am glad things are going well for you. You have been on my mind for days now and I am so glad to hear you are doing fine!
Oh my, he is beautiful! May your life be full of blessings!
What a beautiful baby. I wish you the best.
blessings, blessings, blessings
He is beautiful. Congrats. My advice...sleep when he sleeps! That is what I did. Still I was sleep deprived, but not too bad. My son is 2 and a half, and now, I really miss you 10 am nap the most! He would wake up early, feed, and then we would go back to sleep. Then, he would wake up again in the morning, and be up til about ten, and then we always napped together. We kept that morning nap together for the first year. It was wonderful...I miss that mid morning nap with my little infant!
And yes ... Nap with him when you can - best advice you'll get !!!
You clever clever girl....!He is gorgeous.I think you had us all a bit worried with the no blogging,but i know you had a lot going on....ooh i feel all teary,births always do this to me.Looking forward to your birthing story!
Annie x
Congratulations, girl!! What a cutie :)))xx
i haven't been around earlier ~ computer defunct
heheh you won't have much time for the virtual world for a while m'dear..lol
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